The Witch

In The


Wage Earner

BY: Sheila Niles 30- B-2- FPE

No doubt most of you read Virginia's editorial in TVia #27, covering briefly the teachings of the great psychologist Carl Jung on the Anima- Animus concept. Also, most of you probably decided to read up on this subject, and haven't but I have. So gather round, and get a load of this, because Virginia didn't tell but half of it! First, a few dull but useful facts.


Dr. C. G. Jung (pronounced Young, which is also the English translation) was primarily a psychiatrist. He studied under Freud, became dissatisfied with his teacher's limitations, and broke away. He practiced therapy to some extent, but his main interest was in research and he traveled world-wide studying the various insights ob- tained by both primitive and civilized people. A good deal of his thinking is Oriental in origin, but modified by practical experience in Europe.

His "map" of the personality is as follows: the person (Man or Woman) presents a false face to the world. This mask, or "Persona", is of the appropriate gender, and is tailored to fit the public ideas of what a person of this age and profession should do, say, and wear. Most people do not realize the falsity of their persons, but believe that they "do what they want to", while they are actually playing a role imposed on them.

The second layer, which is more or less unconcious, It is the parts of the natural

he calls the "shadow".